Gerry Rovner

/Gerry Rovner

About Gerry Rovner

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So far Gerry Rovner has created 105 blog entries.

Newsletter From the Chair March 1, 2023

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:Our next Zoom meeting will be held on Monday evening March 13th at 7:30pm.  A Zoom Invitation will be sent during the week of March 6th.  Please send me any item you wish to discuss.TIME SENSITIVE.        Find out about the new DOJ/DHS rule. A Closer Look: The New Asylum RuleThe Episcopal [...]

By | March 3rd, 2023|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair March 1, 2023

Newsletter From the Chair February 5, 2023

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:>> Our next meeting via zoom will be held on February 13.  Bill Okerman will be chairing the meeting, since I have another obligation that I could not re-schedule. Bill will be sending an invitation shortly.>> Rinaz now has yard signs available for the Needham Multicultural Festival . She will drop some off at [...]

By | February 6th, 2023|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair February 5, 2023

Newsletter From the Chair January 13, 2023

BIDEN ADMINISTRATION NEWS>>   DHS issued a detailed press release explaining Pres Biden’s announced a plan to grant humanitarian parole to 30,000 a month to Cubans ,Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelan’s SEE: and SEE ALSO additional information at National News citations below. NATIONAL NEWS:>> Politico reported on Jan 5, 2023 that the Biden Administration plans to grant humanitarian parole to 30,000 [...]

By | January 14th, 2023|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair January 13, 2023

Newsletter From the Chair December 4, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:>> NEXT Meeting will be held Monday, Dec 12th, starting at 7:45PM.  I have a prior appointment that I cannot re-schedule.  >> FYI all our monthly Zoom meetings are recorded and made available on our website for a couple of months.  In the future we will both record and summarize the meeting and enclose the summary in [...]

By | December 6th, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair December 4, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair November 9, 2022

 TASK FORCE INFORMATION:Our next meeting is scheduled for next Monday, Nov 14 via Zoom from 7:30PM.  Because Bill Okerman will be out of town, I need a volunteer to act as the host for the meeting, and setting up the invitation.  Please contact me ASAP if you can help us out for this meeting. We will discuss the [...]

By | November 10th, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair November 9, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair October 9, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:Our next ZOOM meeting is this Monday, starting at 7:30.  We will discuss QUESTION 4 and the latest DACA decision from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.  Join us at:   I hope to see you.  We need your input!BIDEN ADMINISTRATION NEWS>>   Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions for FY2023 set at 125,000.LITIGATION:>>5th Circuit  remanded the long awaited DACA determination to the  trial court to decide of the [...]

By | October 10th, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair October 9, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair October 1, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:>> VOTE YES ON 4:  As you know, Question 4 was approved by the Attorney General after the Secretary of State published  his Information for Voters.  The issue of Driver’s Licenses for undocumented foreign nationals will still appear on the ballot.  What you may not know is that the question will appear on the overside of the ballot. Thus when speaking to your friends, please remember [...]

By | October 4th, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair October 1, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair September 25, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:>> Our next meeting via Zoom will be held on Monday evening, October 10th at 7:30PM.  A Zoom invitation will be sent during the week of October 3d.>>       As most of you are aware, the petition to override the Work and Family Mobility (Driver’s License)  Act by placing a referendum on the ballot was approved by the Attorney General.  However the Question 4 explanation  was [...]

By | September 26th, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair September 25, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair September 2, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:>> URGENT NEED:  I received a request from a husband and wife, both 35 years old,  who are from Ukraine.  They are living in Needham with an American family, but are seeking help finding housing.  Can someone volunteer to contact  to learn the facts as to what status and when they entered the US; if they contacted any agency, like IINE; whether either the [...]

By | September 13th, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair September 2, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair July 1, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:>> A couple of months ago a friend sent me a poem by Warsan Shire entitled HOME.  It is quite moving.  I have attached a copy.NATIONAL NEWS:>> Rollcall has published an informative article concerning DACA as the program is approaching its 10th anniversary.  Still no resolution. SEE: Recent Supreme Court decisions of interest:>>CNN reports on a June 13th Supreme Court decision that makes it more difficult to challenge immigration policies in [...]

By | July 1st, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair July 1, 2022